28 March 2012

Celebrity Copycat: Vanessa Hudgens Style

This morning's Celebrity Copycat is a request from a high school senior who wants to copy Vanessa's look for her upcoming prom. I have to say, Vanessa looks fantastic here, especially for someone who's been incredibly disheveled lately.

Of note: this dress is much pricier than what I'd usually feature, but the reader said she's got a budget of $400 total. If anyone wants an even cheaper version of this dress, there are a ton if you Google yellow chiffon strapless maxi dress, but most of them look like they're from replica websites, so I can't speak to their quality.

Shop Now:
Dress $278 // Shoes $40 // Clutch $22 // Bracelets $9 // Ring $5 // Earrings $18