20 March 2012

Inspired By: Reality Bites

It's obvious by now that I'm a pop culture junkie, so I'm just going to continue on and on with fashion inspired by TV and movies, m'kay? Today's inspiration comes from the iconic 1994 movie Reality Bites.

Winona Ryder's character, Lelaina, was the cooler-than-thou 90's hipster. And Janeane Garafolo's Vickie was the thrift store maven, dressing in colorful 60's inspired ensembles that are totally wearable today.

Here are some outfits that I'm sure Lainie and Vickie would love. P.S. Who'da thunk that I'd be featuring Janeane Garafolo in two posts within a few days of each other?

Shop Now:
Lelaina: Sunglasses $14 // Dress $66 // Shoes $45 // Bag $32
Vickie: Sunglasses $10 // Dress $55 // Tights $13 // Shoes $50